Monday, September 17, 2007

new relations and revelations

First, we are pleased to announce the latest addition to the Ponytail Junction sisterhood: Rachel, by way of Louisiana, Iowa, Washington, France, and then Louisiana again. I think she's tired.
The (con)Junction is complete - next we need super-power rings. If only each of us had a different element sign. oh well.

A unique trend has been observed by Jenni and I, and I feel that it is worth mentioning 1) because I need something to write about, 2) it's funny and 3) to pressure the other half of the Junction to follow suit. The two of us have sharing our obsessions with particular F. Scott Fitzgerald novels. She has read The Great Gatsby six times, once every summer for six years. I have the same deep affection for This Side of Paradise, which I have read five times, also as a summer tradition. I know the book so well that I get scenes or bits of dialogue stuck in my head, like a song. Last week I found myself compelled to pour over the dialogue between Amory and Rosalind. Jenni found me curled up in fetal position clutching the book, enraptured and starry eyed. We so totally bonded.
Now, lots of people really like certain books. okay. But mister F. Scott has had a particularly severe impact on our lives; Apparently, both of us made it a personal rule not to date anyone who didn't also obssess over these books. Really. Not kidding. One has to wonder just what effect that guideline has had on our boy judgement... whatever. I'm fine with it. And I will always, always, fall for the Amory Blaines of the world.
We're trying to get Maddie hooked on Tender is the Night.
There must be a theme party in the works here. I do love a good mint julep (which, by the way, only became one of my favorite drinks because that's all they drink in Gatsby... *sigh*).


Jenni said...

1. Amory Blaine has MySpace?
2. In regards to Maddie's refusal to read "Tender Is the Night," I suppose that it would be hard to fall in love with a man named Dick Diver.
3. That said, I love Dick Diver.
4. But that doesn't mean that I'd ever swap D.D. for Gatsby.

Anonymous said...

well geeze! thanks lauren and jenni !!
lauren, your book club link was beautiful and makes me think--------should we start our own O! book club at ponytail junction?
secretly, i began reading tender is the night last week.

Jenni said...

Oh man, I guess that leaves Maddie with "The Beautiful and the Damned," which, to be fair, I've never read and shouldn't pre-judge. But anyway, good or bad, she can't say she wasn't given options.

ingeniousdevices said...

where are my props?

maddie v.h.s. said...

rachel, you stole the book that jenni and lauren picked out for me?! who do you think you are? ME??? and jenni, just because rachel read the book first that doesn't make it hers. you picked it for me so its mine. even if i never read it. ESPECIALLY if i never read it.